What’s the Ideal Temperature for Your Air Conditioner to Save Energy this Summer?

Setting the right temperature for the air conditioning system during summer is difficult. One thing clients frequently ask us is what temperature they should set for the air conditioner. If you don’t know how to set the ideal air conditioner temperature to improve your energy efficiency, this article is for you.
As a team of expert energy rating consultants, we have done thorough research on it to help you out. Let’s jump into the article together to explore the reasons, factors, and ways to achieve at least 6 star energy rating without compromising comfort this summer.
Reason to Set the Air Conditioner at an Ideal Temperature
Summer is a great time to go outside, enjoy the sun, and catch some nourishing rays. The outdoors is a great place to be during the summer, but staying indoors is a completely different game. Staying cool at home during the hot summer is challenging, especially when your home has a poor ventilation system. You can rely on the air conditioner to maintain cool temperatures even during extreme heat. However, it’s essential to get the most suitable temperature settings for your AC unit.
If you set your air conditioner at a lower temperature, it will have to work harder. This means it will lead your AC to consume more energy as it has to pump twice its usual workload. So, to avoid increasing your electric bill, setting AC to ideal room temperature is crucial. This way, your air conditioner can work efficiently without exerting too much effort.
Factors to Consider for Setting Air Conditioner Temperature
Simply setting the AC temperature to the usual 18 to 21 degrees Celsius might not be the best temperature for your home. There are many other things that you need to consider before deciding what temperature setting is ideal for the summer. They are:
1. Energy Efficiency
The perfect temperature setting isn’t just about cooling down your room but also keeping your electricity bills at a reasonable level. Determining the ideal AC temperature helps cool it down and keeps your electricity bills reasonable.
If you prefer a higher temperature in summer, your consumption will be more efficient. Finding the right temperature for your space can also help you to achieve a good energy rating in energy rating assessment and lower your costs over time. It benefits your wallet and the environment, making it a win-win situation. Each degree of temperature increase can save around 10% on your energy consumption, making it one of the most energy-efficient ways of using your air conditioner.
2. Comfort
Based on your preferences, your ideal temperature may not be the same at your home and workplace. You will usually want to set the AC at the highest temperature to feel comfortable. Generally, this temperature is considered approximately 24℃ for most people.
How we feel ambient temperature varies from person to person, and some of these differences are even biological, based on muscle mass and body fat percentage. For example, those who have a higher muscle mass tend to generate more internal body heat, which means they may feel more heat than those with less muscle mass.
Most Energy-Efficient Temperature to Set the Air Conditioner in Summer
Australia has a very diverse climate, so the ideal temperature for summer will vary from region to region. Generally, it is recommended to set your AC around 23℃ to 24℃ in the summer season to ensure a comfortable temperature. Moreover, if you want to save more energy, you can set it between 25℃ and 27℃ for optimal results. Increasing the temperature by one degree in summer saves up to 10% in operating costs.
The most energy-efficient and ideal temperature may vary depending on where you live. The best AC temperature for energy saving varies based on the climate of your region. For example, if you reside in an extremely hot location, your summer temperature setting will differ from a cooler region further up north. We have compiled a list of the recommended temperatures for energy-efficient air conditioning in each state/territory and region during summer. This can help you ensure year-round comfort and save costs on running your air conditioning.
Central Australia (arid climate)
It would be best to keep the temperature between 21 to 23 degrees Celsius in this region. The summer season here can be tough, and there is often a lot of atmospheric dust. To keep the air conditioner working efficiently, don’t forget to clean its filters regularly.
North Queensland, North Western Australia, Northern Territory (subtropical climate)
The ideal energy-saving temperature is 25 degrees Celsius. Raising the temperature from 22 to 25 degrees can lower your daily cooling costs by at least 20%.
South Australia (Mediterranean climate)
Setting the thermostat between 24 and 25 degrees Celsius is recommended to achieve energy efficiency without sacrificing comfort.
Tasmania (mild temperate climate)
For optimal results, set the thermostat to 28 degrees Celsius. Remember that Tasmania’s weather conditions can change unexpectedly, and temperatures may decrease rapidly. Adjusting the thermostat to a colder setting may be necessary in such cases.
Southern Victoria (moderate oceanic climate)
Maintaining a temperature of 24 degrees Celsius is suitable for summers and occasional heat waves. While it may be tempting to lower the temperature during heat waves, this can reduce the air conditioner’s energy efficiency.
South Western area of Western Australia (Mediterranean climate)
The recommended temperature range is 23-24 degrees Celsius, but adjustments may be necessary during a cold snap.
South East New South Wales, North East Victoria, and Australian Capital Territory (oceanic climate)
The recommended temperature is usually between 26 and 27 degrees Celsius. However, during cold spells, it may be necessary to adjust the temperature to the settings appropriate for winter.
Last words

Now you know all the rules of thumb for setting your air conditioner at an ideal temperature in summer, no matter which state you live in. But remember, there are no hard and fast rules for setting AC at the best temperature. These are only general guides to help you to find your desired comfortable temperature. Moreover, if you want to consult with professional energy rating experts near you, Superior Energy Rating can help you to know the right AC temperature for your home.